Many people get easily addicted with credit card purchases, they’re like gonna die if they don’t get to swipe that card even for 1 day, and what’s sad, is if you look at their credit card purchases you’ll notice that most of them are unnecessary expenses. People get lured to the illusion of an expanded buying power. I say illusion because with credit cards you are merely borrowing money, and you get charged an interest rate that’s over the roof!
So, if you think of it, you are actually reducing your buying power everytime you use your credit card. You are spending money that you don’t actually have yet. Many people, including me at one point, are literally broke because of monthly credit card payments, they’re just juggling debt. Not funds but debt.
And what happens when you are unable to settle you credit card bills on time? You get bombarded with malicious letters and threatening calls.
So if you think you have the potential to become addicted to credit cards, better follow these 3 simple steps to break a credit card habit…NOW!
- Close - This is easiest and most effective way to prevent yourself from spending money that you don’t have.
- Cut - From the very first day that you come to your senses, cut your credit card in half so you can’t use it, then call to have it canceled.
- Forget - Turn your back to credit cards completely! No matter how good the offer is, say no.
Ok, so now you gotta be disciplined enough keep your spending within your limits. If you want to buy something, save for it. It feels great to buy something without ever worrying about payments.
And if you happened to screw your credit score, then that’s a different story. It will take some work to beef up your credit ratings, but the good news, is that it is doable and it’s not as difficult as you might think.
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