Monday, November 16, 2009

5 Credit Solutions That Work

When talking about credit and credit solutions, some people think that once you’ve made the mistake of pulling your credit score down, you are doomed to have a low score for life. Or that you will have to spend a lot of money in order to raise your score up.

Though there is some truth to that, but it’s far from being the end of the world. It may take some time and probably a little money, but raising your score up is definitely doable. You just have to have the right strategy and follow credit solutions that work.

If you have been browsing the net looking for information about raising your credit score, then you probably noticed that experts suggest different methods and strategies to raise a bad credit. This is because not all cases are the same. What worked for somebody may not work perfectly well for you.

What I will be talking about in this article are 5 strategies that work perfectly well in fixing a bad score. I believe these credit solutions can be effectively applied by anyone. But then again, consider your situation first before doing anything.

Review you credit report – This is the first step that you need take. You have to know why your score is down before you can take appropriate action. Most of the time, you will find inaccuracies in the report and simply having them removed can raise your score.

Pay up on time – Late payments and defaulted loans damage your credit score so much. Some people have a bad habit of paying bills on the due date or a few days late. This is a very bad habit that you need to avoid. Plus, you’ll get an X mark from lenders if they see that you have poor payment practices.

This is absurdly simple but is one of the best credit solutions there is.

Pay down your debts – Having too much debt makes you a risk. Lenders will shy away from you, as well as a good credit score, since you at risk of overextending your credit. And it’s only a matter time until you start missing payments.

Cut your credit cards – If you have six credit cards in your wallet, then do yourself a favor and cut four of them in half. Juggling debts will get you nowhere and will eventually get the best of you. You’ll only need two credit cards in order to survive, and make sure not to exceed 50% of your credit limit.

Be consistent – This is probably the most important out of the five credit solutions listed in this article. You have to be patient and stick to your plan. Your credit score will not dramatically change overnight, not even after a month. So consistency and discipline is key.

Your score tells a lot about you and how you behave when it comes to debt. Lenders give a lot of importance to it so making sure that your score is good is critical. Apply credit solutions that work in case your score stumbles.

Most importantly, you have to safe guard your credit score and make sure that nobody ruins it. Not even you.


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